Slow Down and Look

I am a full-time artist working at home in Stonehaven, N.E. Scotland: selling work as a painter, writer and maker both online and through local exhibitions.

I am trained but prefer to remain UNTAMED, Unframed, Unconstrained and Unconventional. Here you will see art in progress: you can buy my finished paintings etc through the gallery link on the right ~ Bern Ross

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

A New Way of Publishing

Time has flown ridiculously fast since my last post here. I have not been idle.

My solo exhibition in Montrose continues to reverberate, generating online sales, offline sales, general feedback and interest. I have put the two part film onto YouTube so that you can have a guided tour of it any time you like. Here it is! 
'Fields of Them' - just one of 43 paintings on show in the two part film

As an extra treat there's a taste of the seaside on there too.
And in between various visitors staying with us for holidays I've been revisiting some of the books I've published in the past, with a view to preparing them for publication on Kindle. The first of these is now complete and published to Kindle here!

That's the UK version.
Here is the US version
There are 15 Hamersma artwork images in the Kindle book and Hamersma's writings are thought-provoking and inspirational - even for me after working on this book for such a long time. 

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