Slow Down and Look

I am a full-time artist working at home in Stonehaven, N.E. Scotland: selling work as a painter, writer and maker both online and through local exhibitions.

I am trained but prefer to remain UNTAMED, Unframed, Unconstrained and Unconventional. Here you will see art in progress: you can buy my finished paintings etc through the gallery link on the right ~ Bern Ross

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Moving On

It fills me with joy and pride to know that other people enjoy having my paintings and creations around them. I've no lofty expectations of being a Turner Prize winner or any kind of esteemed name in the realms of High Art: I create therefore I exist happily, that's all.

I don't always create beautiful things. Sometimes they go wrong. Sometimes the colours are far too rustic or dreary to be loved - that's fine. Art is a process. Sometimes I blow even myself away with producing something great, so the adventure goes on.

Quite by surprise I sold this lovely little textile, tactile canvas last week. The buyer was in my studio for something else (buying a semi-abstract similar to For Ever and Ever at the top of this blog) and wanted this too. She has found a perfect home for it in her house: hanging on a mirrored alcove.
This person enjoys having things she loves surrounding her in her home and I'm happy she's chosen some things I've produced. That's what art is all about.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Three Cosy Dogs...

Here are the three little snoods - or perhaps you could call them dog-cosies (as opposed to tea-cosies) - for my friend's three greyhound dogs. I hope they'll fit and feel comfortable.

When I go to fit them I'll take some buttons to sew onto the dogs' outdoor coats, to ensure their snoods will stay in place.

Mmm... very cosy on a wintery day...